Should I use a personal credit card for my business expenses?
If you don’t have an LLC, you can use your personal credit cards, but the onus will be on you to separate the charges.
How often should I be paying estimated taxes?
Quarterly taxes are due 4 times a year. They don’t follow the standard calendar quarter schedule though.
Freelancer Finances: Navigating Tax Withholding
When it comes to taxes, freelancers are especially prone to making mistakes that can put them at financial risk.
Freelancer Finances: Getting Started
It takes a lot to decide to work for oneself, so first – congratulations! You’re already on the path toward greater financial freedom. That said, living life as a freelancer is no walk in the park, and it’s easy to get lost before figuring out how to stand on your own two feet.
Freelancers: are you charging too little?
Back when I taught college (oh, those poor kids), I was given a flat rate as a guest lecturer. I don’t remember precisely what the rate was, but I do remember it was a pittance.
Freelancers: It’s tax time… Do you know where your money is?
Taxes are a pain for everyone. And whether you do them yourself (ugh), take them to one of those big tax prep companies (where I’ve always known more about tax law than my preparer), or use an actual accountant-type person (my suggestion), there are unique headaches freelancers face.
Tax refunds: eight ideas on what to do with them
It’s that time of year, and hopefully the tax fairy is giving you a nice refund instead of asking for more of your money.